A Difficult Week

This week has probably been the most difficult week for me in Columbia. Not because classes are difficult. In fact, all of my classes with the exception of my Japanese language classes are already finished. Rather, I think the reality of leaving the country for a year and a half is hitting me. I’ve grown so much since beginning this program and know I will only grow more after experiencing Japan for an extended period of time. But there are still a few things that are on my mind:

My family will be difficult to see. Both of my sisters are in college still and can’t really afford to travel too far. My mom and dad will most likely come out and see me, but I’m not sure at which point they will – or even if I can get my dad on the airplane. LOL.

Dealing with administrative things in Japan may be difficult. I’m still in the process of finding an apartment, I need to open a bank account, I need to get a phone, I need to get an alien registration card, etc, etc. It all seems like a lot right now and I know these things will be even more difficult with my lack of fluency in Japanese.

In particular, I’m not looking forward to being so far away from my girlfriend for that period of time. Even apart, I felt like I have grown so much closer to her and feel awful being apart from her even now. I’m looking forward so much to being back already, and I haven’t even left yet.

So with all of these things, I still look forward to going, though a bit hesitantly at this point. Most things I have done in my life have been relatively safe or predictable at this point, so this whole thing is truthfully, a bit scary right now. I’m hanging on tight at the moment.

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